
Make your readers care by writing content that entices them to learn more. We live in a world full of information so you need to create material that informs, engages, and inspires readers. Great web writers bring their personalities to their material and they understand the following:


What you say matters but how you say it might determine whether or not people will hear your message. The old adage “know your audience” rings particularly true when you’re writing for the internet but what might surprise you is that knowing how your audience accesses your material is just as important.

Responsive Design

If you want to write material that can be read on various devices, you must consider what people want to read on each device. You can design once and make it responsive to all devices or you can design different experiences for different users.


How well do you really know your audience? Even when you write for a targeted audience, you can’t make assumptions. Instead, create courses and websites using the principles of universal design and ensure your material is inclusive to all.


Create content that is engaging and accessible without losing your design. When you know the common accessibility issues, you have two choices: you can design content that is accessible to all or you can create secondary content that is equal in experience.


Find out what people really think of your educational material before you launch your site or course. The time you spend testing first will save you time and money later.

I understand the various aspects of print and web based writing. Please contact me for more information.

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