Educational Technology

Dare to innovate and imagine the possibilities. Create engaging, accessible, and responsive educational experiences for learners by using educational technology effectively.

My experience includes designing, implementing, and managing online student services as well as working with subject matter experts, developers, and quality assurance staff to create courses that are designed professionally, support educational pedagogy, and appeal to students.

Professional Writing

Create material that will be remembered. Write clear, professional, web content that both interests and engages readers by understanding your platform and your audience.

My extensive experience includes writing material for courses, blogs, websites, wikis, content management systems, social media, portals, and eportfolios.

Online Course Design

Inspire a new generation of learners. Create courses with interesting content, engaging activities, and meaningful assessments by putting pedagogy before technology.

As a Master of Educational Technology graduate, I am able to understand learning from various perspectives which enables me to create educational material that is engaging, interactive, accessible, diverse, and responsive.